The water ouzels of Jonsered
I am writing this as a follow-up to my last blog. I already told you about the water ouzels or white-fronted dippers near Jonsered, just East of Göteborg, but since then I have been there two more times, got a lot better pictures and from being a big fan of these adorable birds, I have entirely fallen in love. Normally I wouldn't write such a mini blog, but I felt that this would be the best format to show these images.
Last weekend we went to Jonsered again, to see if we could get some better pictures... and we did, the water level of the river had risen, so we had to go upstream to find a place to get to the shore and managed to actually get quite close. I am leaving for winter break on Friday, so that would have been the last time. But then on Monday it finally snowed properly here. I just had to get out, so yesterday I started extra early, finished uni by noon and got on the train to Jonsered to take some pictures.
And it was so worth it! I spent hours there just observing the dippers as they were flying along the river, fighting out their territories and hunting in the water. It is just so adorable to see how they dive straight into the running water and come up at a totally different place. And as a grand finale - I was starting to freeze - one of them just sat on a fallen tree next to shore. And while I was getting closer and closer with the camera, shooting through the root stock, it just kept sitting there in the snow, singing, stretching its wings and letting me take a bunch of nice photos. I am looking forward to coming back next year and hopefully meet the dippers again!
If you like the water ouzels but don´t want to read the other blog just for that, here are the pictures from my first visit to Jonsered again: